Don’t Miss Rakesh Wadhwa Speaking at Freedom Fest 2017

Posted by: on May 9, 2017 | No Comments

Don’t Miss Rakesh Wadhwa Speaking at Freedom Fest 2017

Businessman and economist, Rakesh Wadhwa has been invited to speak at FreedomFest, scheduled for July 19-22, 2017. The event will mark the 10th anniversary of FreedomFest and will be hosted at Paris Resort, Las Vegas, USA. The event is expected to be attended by more than 2,000 participants, along with over 10,000 digital followers. FreedomFest will be an opportunity for participants to engage with more than 250 leaders and experts across different fields. The event is also a great opportunity to meet with thought leaders behind the liberty movement, while also offering participants exciting investment opportunities that can enhance their portfolios, while giving them a chance to network with leading free-market thinkers and pro-liberty leaders and organizations.

Featured Speakers

Among the features speakers at the event are leaders in their field, such as Greg Gutfelf. This TV personality is known for his libertarian political satire, and has been the co-host of hit televisions shows like The Five, apart from being the former host of Fox News Channel’s Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld. Currently, Gutfeld hosts The Greg Gutfeld Show on Fox News, where he parodies topical issues on a weekly basis. The other featured speakers include:

  • Brett Leonard, Filmmaker/Futurist
  • Naomi Brockwell, FreedomFest Emcee; Film and Television Producer
  • Katherine Mangu-Ward, Editor-in-Chief, Reason Magazine 
  • William Shatner, Actor, Philanthropist and Entrepreneur
  • Jennifer Grossman, President, The Atlas Society
  • Matt Welch, Editor-at-Large, Reason Magazine 
  • Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, Distinguished Professor of Economics, History, English, and…, University of Illinois at Chicago 
  • Nick Gillespie, Editor-In-Chief, Reason TV & 
  • Keith Fitz-Gerald, Chief Investment Strategist, Money Morning & Total Wealth Research 
  • Robert Frank, Professor at Cornell University, Columnist at The New York Times
  • Lee Edwards, Distinguished Fellow, Heritage Foundation 
  • David Boaz, Executive Vice President, Cato Institute 
  • Dinesh D’Souza, Author, Filmmaker
  • Deneen Borelli, Chief Political Correspondent, Conservative Review 
  • Doug Casey, Casey Research
  • Dan Bongino, Commentator, Author, Editor, Former Secret Service
  • Larry Elder, Author and Talk-Show Host, The Larry Elder Show 
  • Ken Fisher, Founder, Fisher Investments 
  • Steve Forbes, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief, Forbes Media 
  • And many more

Rakesh Wadhwa to Present the Indian Perspective

Rakesh Wadhwa has been invited to speak at FreedomFest, and will be speaking on “Currency Ban, Beef Ban, Alcohol Ban. Doing Business in the Current Indian Environment.” With his unique insight into the business environment in India, Mr. Wadhwa has long been a passionate proponent of the free market. He is the only person to have been nominated six times for the Frederic Bastiat Prize for Journalism, held by the International Policy Network, the UK. In addition, he is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society, a leading global free market organization, which also has members such as Professor Milton Friedman and Dr. Robert J Barro.

Born in 1957, Mr. Wadhwa is a commerce graduate and a chartered accountant. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in law (LLB) from Delhi University. He wrote weekly for the business page of The Himalayan Times, a leading English daily in Nepal, from 2002 to 2008. He also was an Advisor for “The Boss,” Nepal’s leading English business magazine promoting the free market.

Mr. Wadhwa is also the co-author of The Deal Maker, a book that puts forth India, in all its glory and challenges, with the message of democracy and freedom, and how the country is working to get rid of the chains of poverty. Having worked with businesses in India, Nepal and Dubai, Mr. Wadhwa has a unique perspective on the differences in business environment, ease of doing business and nation-specific challenges for foreign businesses wanting to invest in India.

Having authored a blog that talks about capitalism, the Indian economy and the free market for several years now, it will be interested to hear what Rakesh Wadhwa has to say at FreedomFest, as well as what his recommendations are in terms of investing in India.

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