Murray Rothbard: Author, Economist & Anarcho-Capitalist
Murray Newton Rothbard was one of the most important leaders of the American libertarian movement of the 20th century. He proposed a form of free markets that he termed “anarcho-capitalism.” This was both a philosophical and an economic belief that individual responsibility is more important

Free Market Thinker Rakesh Wadhwa to Speak at Capitalism & Morality 2019
On August 3, 2019, some of the finest minds would be getting together in Vancouver to discuss the philosophy of freedom and liberty. This annual event brings together thinktanks and leaders from across the globe to meet and share their ideas.

Will Trumponomics Drive America into Another Recession?
The Trump economy received an “important endorsement” from Fed Chairman Jay Power, who said, “The US economy is in great shape…Most people who want to find jobs are finding them,” said an article published by Yahoo Finance on June

From Vegas to Vancouver: Championing the Cause of Free Markets
The more any government stifles the idea of free markets through rules and legislations, the more people would try and “find a way out” and the results can be catastrophic for an economy. It is for this reason that champions of the

Free Market Thinker Rakesh Wadhwa to Speak at Capitalism & Morality 2017
On July 29, 2017, some of the finest minds would be getting together in Vancouver to discuss the philosophy of freedom and liberty. This annual event brings together thinktanks and leaders from across the globe to meet and share their

Crony Capitalism is on a Decline
Crony capitalism is on a decline, according to the Economist’s index of crony capitalism created in 2014. The Economist index shows that in 2016, Russia has the highest amount of crony capitalism; crony sector wealth constitutes 18% of Russia’s GDP, out of

Dr. Roy Spencer: The Meteorologist Who is a Free Market Thinker
It is rare to come across a person who is as diverse as Roy Spencer. He describes himself as a climatologist, author and a former NASA scientist. Other than his many contributions academically, he is also attributed with many memorable

Brazil on the Path to a Different Revolution
Brazil was considered to have the sixth largest economy in the world, both by nominal GDP and purchasing power. In 2012, its economy surpassed the United Kingdom, and Forbes ranked the country as being home to the fifth largest number of
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