Don’t Miss Rakesh Wadhwa Speaking at FreedomFest 2018

Posted by: on Apr 10, 2018 | No Comments


Businessman and economist, Rakesh Wadhwa has been invited to speak at FreedomFest, scheduled for July 11 – 14, 2018. The event will be hosted in Paris Resort at Las Vegas, California, USA. The theme this year is “Where is the Voice of Reason?” and the event is expected to attract over 2,000 participants as well as more than 10,000 digital followers.

Why FreedomFest?

FreedomFest is independent and not affiliated with any organization or think tank. It would be a great experience for liberty-loving individuals and free thinkers. The event promises to be a “full three-day intellectual feast,” with speeches, debates and discussions in an open-minded environment.

FreedomFest presents several opportunities to network with more than 250 leaders and experts from different fields; and discuss everything from economic policies to investing to history to geo-politics to healthy living and more. The event presents the opportunity to interact with some of the brightest influencers from across the globe. Most importantly, it’s a time to share thoughts with passionate defenders of freedom and to celebrate liberty.

FreedomFest 2018

The Anthem Film Festival and the Trade Show for Liberty at the Exhibit Hall are programs that one wouldn’t want to miss.

Among the featured speakers at FreedomFest 2018 are:

  • Naomi Brockwell: FreedomFest Emcee; Film and Television Producer
  • Judge Andrew Napolitano: Senior Judicial Analyst; Fox News Channel
  • Steve Forbes: Chairman & Editor-in-Chief; Forbes Media
  • Deirdre Nansen McCloskey: Distinguished Professor of Economics and History; University of Illinois
  • Nicholas J Gillespie: Editor-At-Large; Reason TV &
  • Larry Elder: Author and Talk-Show Host; The Larry Elder Show
  • Jim Rogers: Investment Expert and Author
  • Katherine Mangu-Ward: Editor-in-Chief; Reason Magazine
  • Matt Welch: Editor-at-Large; Reason Magazine
  • Doug Casey: Chairman; Casey Research
  • Keith Fitz-Gerald: Chief Investment Strategist; Money Morning & Total Wealth Research
  • Patrick Byrne: CEO;
  • Grover Norquist: President; Americans for Tax Reform
  • John Mackey: Co-CEO; Whole Food Market
  • John Stossel: Journalist; Fox Business
  • Michael Shermer: Founding Publisher; Skeptic Magazine
  • Rich Lowry: Editor; National Review
  • Charlie Kirk: Founder and Executive Director; Turning Point USA
  • Jennifer Grossman: President; The Atlas Society
  • Ross Douthat: Op-Ed Columnist; New York Times

Also, among these renowned names are George Will, Robert Kiyosaki and Magatte Wade.

Rakesh Wadhwa to Speak at FreedomFest 2018

Rakesh Wadhwa has been invited to speak at FreedomFest 2018 and will be speaking on “Why Some Countries Can Never Get Out of Poverty”. With unique insights into the business environment in countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka, Dubai and India, Mr. Wadhwa has long been a passionate proponent of the free market.

Mr. Wadhwa is the only person to have been nominated six times for the Frederic Bastiat Prize for Journalism, held by the International Policy Network, the UK. In addition, he is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society, a leading global free market organization, which also has members such as Professor Milton Friedman and Dr. Robert J Barro.

Born in 1957, Mr. Wadhwa is a commerce graduate and a chartered accountant. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in law (LLB) from Delhi University. He wrote weekly for the business page of The Himalayan Times, a leading English daily in Nepal, from 2002 to 2008. He also was an Advisor for “The Boss,” Nepal’s leading English business magazine promoting the free market.

Mr. Wadhwa co-authored The Deal Maker, a book much ahead of its times, in which he put forth how a country like India can get rid of the chains of poverty.

“The biggest killer of human beings is not cigarette smoke, automobile accidents, cancer, AIDS or heart attacks… it is poverty,” says Mr. Wadhwa. Having authored a blog that talks about liberty, the Indian economy and the free market for several years now, it will be interested to hear what Mr. Wadhwa has to say at FreedomFest 2018, as well as what his recommendations are for dealing with poverty across the world.

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