Top 3 Pro Capitalist Hollywood Movies

Posted by: on Dec 5, 2014 | No Comments

Over the years, a number of movies have revolved around capitalism, system stability and economic crisis. There are an even greater number of documentaries on both anti and pro capitalism. Such documentaries and Hollywood have had a strong influence on perceptions of the public. While documentaries and movies are anti-capitalism, here are a few that are pro-capitalism.


Risky Business

This 1983 American hit as a romantic comedy with undertones of materialism, coming of age, loss of innocence and capitalism. The protagonist is Tom Cruise, a high school student living with wealthy parents with high expectations of him, such as getting admission in Princeton. The movie is a satirically take on how the protagonist’s life is left in turmoil when his parents leave for a vacation without him. From indulging in sex with a prostitute to smoking pot, this movie showcases the free will of a young mind and the limitless choices he gets once he is left unmonitored by adults. The adventure makes him a better person and is a parody of the interference of the government in the everyday affairs of individuals. The agenda behind showing such reckless behaviour has a pro-capitalist undertone; parents and the government have been satirised to show that their constant interference and meddling is not beneficial. Give a child the freedom to explore and he will make sense of the world at a faster pace. Similarly, an individual may find his true worth and calibre if freed from as excess of government.

Pirate Radio

Another revolutionarily movie, renamed Pirate Radio from the original The Boat that Rocked. The cult following of this picture, since its release in 2009, is due to the disregard of authority by Pirate Radio in the UK during the 1960s. Music, especially the rock and pop genres, were considered to be against society and radio stations were banned from playing such music on air. A group of young men with passion for music began their rebellion by hosting the radio station and playing pop and rock music all day and night. Their radio station aboard a ship that sailed is within the government’s crosshairs chasing the ship to shut down the radio. The movie mocks the hypocrisy of the government, since it infringes on personal freedom and tries to shut down the station via fickle methods, such as preventing advertising. The rebellious radio jockeys are dedicated to the cause of capitalism where the authority does not interfere in their personal life. Pop and Rock music is played in almost every scene throughout the movie, further humiliating and questioning the government’s ideology.


Revolving around the life of George Jung, played by Johnny Depp, this movie is about freeing voluntary exchange from the government – be it an exchange involving drugs. The hero, who ends up in prison for the possession of illegal drugs, has a turbulent life that sets its own course. Coming from a family of moderate means, George Jung feels there is no moral code broken when it comes to making money by smuggling drugs. He manages to earn a living, support a family and father a wonderful daughter by getting deeply involved in trafficking marijuana, followed by cocaine. However, given the lack of credible sources for his money, the government in a sting operation captures him red handed. A friendly and good natured man is deemed a criminal for distributing government banned substances. The movie in no way promotes the use or distribution of drugs, but rather uses drugs as a way to satirize the infringement of personal freedom and choice.

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